2023 has been a banner year for me and my fledgling publishing LLC, Rainier Augusta Independent Publishing.
I sold a record number of books (many of them paperback!!) and completed several MAJOR projects. My bestselling horror short story, A Secret History of Port Townsend (volume 1) was optioned for film, and I was ultimately contracted to pen the screenplay as well.
On top of that, Steven Kubacki, co-author of The Disappearance (a project I have been working on for YEARS), secured representation from a literary agent, meaning we are one step closer to seeing that amazing book on shelves across America and the world! Truly excited for that one!!
Port Townsend Film Studio is picking up momentum and I couldn’t be more excited to be a part of their dynamic vision for the future of filmmaking in Washington State.
I owe a huge THANK YOU to all who have read, listened, shared, liked, reposted, commented, or otherwise engaged with me and work over the course of this incredible year. Without you, I would be just another author, shouting into the void.