The Disappearance:

What Really Happened to One of History’s Last Unexplained Mysteries



Steven Kubacki


Dylan James Quarles

A word from the authors

The Disappearance of Steven Kubacki is the true story of Steven Kubacki, a young man who vanished without a trace in 1978, only to wake up in a field 15 months later, claiming no recollection of the event. The Book details the events leading up to, during, and after the disappearance as told by the man himself, Steven Kubacki, with help from his friend and fellow co-author, Dylan James Quarles.

At the time, the case was big news, made bigger by Kubacki’s unwillingness to grant interviews or give any hints as to where he might have been for those missing 15 months. Time passed and the story took on a life of its own, spawning dozens of conspiracy theories ranging from alien abduction, to the mysterious Michigan Triangle, to divine intervention. In 2018, Kubacki co-authored a book on the inconsistencies and incompleteness of our understanding of reality (Meta-Mathematical Foundations of Existence: Gödel, quantum, God & Beyond), further fueling speculation that something truly extraordinary happened to him in 1978. 

In the Disappearance of Steven Kubacki, Quarles and Kubacki leave no question about his case unanswered, no truth unexplored. For the first time since waking up in a field 15 months after being declared legally dead, Steven Kubacki is ready for people to know what really happened. 

Learn more about the book and it’s release at