Hi there folks!
To say I've been busy as of late would be an understatement. Every spare second I have, I spend writing or studying. Though this has certainly taken its toll on me, I'm still here and going strong. Besides, I love it.
The Man from Rome is proving to be a challenging book to write. I'm sure that's a common enough thing for authors to say about their current works but DAMN. Just the sheer number of pages this puppy is pulling out of me is sort of insane. Every time I think I'm getting close to the final third of the book, another scene pops up to be inserted, another chapter that needs expanding.
To top it off, the characters have become so complex that though I'm not ready to resort to the serial killer style "wall of random notes connected with string", I'm almost there.
But it's okay, like I said. I love this shit. I live for it now.
Writing is the only puzzle I've ever been even a little good at. Figuring out how to make things work, or rather, how to let them work for me, that's my jam. While I still get writers block from time to time, I don't feel like it's a problem with my creativity any more. Not like I used to. No, now I see writers block as me getting in the way of my own creativity. When that happens, I try to step back and let things flow on their own.
Does it always work out t? No, but I am making massive amounts of progress on a book I sometimes think is more mature than I am.
All the same, what I'm really hoping for is to have the manuscript finished before this summers trip to Spain and Portugal. I don't want to be lugging my imaginary friends around with me while I'm trying to get drunk and eat Tapas. ;)
Alrighty, gotta get back at it.
Cheers everyone!